Press Credentials and Policy
For Media
The American Association of Immunologists (AAI) welcomes media coverage of IMMUNOLOGY2022™ and is happy to make an AAI Press Pass available to all legitimate members of the press. Please read our Press Credentials and Policy information before completing the request form for a press pass.
Interviews with AAI officers and staff are available upon request. Photographs of AAI and images of meeting events will be available on request after the meeting. Any recordings and photos must have signed releases and disclosures.
For more information, contact AAI Director of Communications Bethany Coulter,; 301-634-7831.
Press Credentials and Policy
Press Credentials
The AAI annual meeting is attended by thousands of immunologists from around the world. Members of the media are eligible to receive complimentary press passes to report on the educational programming offered, special sessions, and other events open to all held at IMMUNOLOGY2022™.
AAI Press Policy
- Representatives from print, broadcast, or electronic media outlets may receive complimentary press passes for IMMUNOLOGY2022™, subject to the following rules:
- Qualified media outlets include general circulation, biomedical, healthcare, and other trade publications, as well as electronic, radio, television, and cable broadcasters.
- Qualified media representatives must be credentialed journalists (i.e., professional reporters, editors, writers, news photographers, producers, and online editors) who work for a publication, news service, broadcast outlet, or news site that is regularly issued and published primarily for the dissemination of news, and who operate independently from any commercial, political, government, or special interest.
- The following are not considered media representatives and will not be granted complimentary press passes: professional science journal staff who are not credentialed reporters; members of advertising, marketing, or executive staffs of media outlets; representatives of public relations or advertising agencies; editorial board members; consultants with blogs; and industry representatives.
- Media representatives may cover any educational or special sessions open to regular meeting registrants. AAI reserves the right to restrict access to any session.
- Media representatives attending the meeting on a complimentary press pass may not sell, market, or otherwise represent a company for the purpose of obtaining advertising or subscriptions. Such activities will result in loss of press credentials for this and subsequent meetings.
- These criteria are subject to review and revision at the discretion of AAI.
- Accepted methods to verify credentials are as follows (need only one):
- Official publication or corporate business card with reporter’s name, title, email address, corporate address, and verifiable website.
- Copies of at least two (2) recent, relevant articles with byline.
- Letter from publication editor requesting a press pass. The press pass request must be printed on publication letterhead with a verifiable corporate address, phone number, and website.
- In consideration of granting of a press pass, credentialed reporters must provide AAI with copies of past meeting-related content.
- All interviews with AAI staff, officers, speakers, or attendees must be scheduled through the AAI Director of Communications.
- Media representatives may record, with permission from the speaker, presentations for note-taking and reporting purposes or for broadcasting sound bites. Videotaping and filming of short segments for news purposes is allowed with permission from the speaker. Broadcasting extensive portions of presentations is prohibited, as is using or broadcasting such materials for profit.
Please address questions to AAI Director of Communications Bethany Coulter,; 301-634-7831.
Request a Press Pass for IMMUNOLOGY2022™