Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorship opportunities are available to exhibitors to demonstrate their support for the field by sponsoring lectures, symposia, career-development networking programs, travel grants for early career scientists, and social events. In addition, exciting new exhibitor upgrades are available for exhibitors to enhance their visibility at the conference.
Support of $3,000 or more in Scientific Program Sponsorships and/or Exhibit Hall Upgrades qualifies an exhibitor/sponsor for the many benefits associated with AAI Premier Sponsorship. (See below)
Prospective sponsors may contact the AAI Exhibits and Sponsorship Manager at 301-634-7821 or exhibits@aai.org to book their sponsorship.
Color Key:
Limited Qty
Sold Out
Scientific Programming
Sponsors of a scientific session will be given the opportunity to provide a 15–20 second video which will play prior to the start of the session. Video is to be produced by the sponsor and provided to AAI by an agreed-upon date.
AAI President’s
The AAI president officially opens the AAI annual meeting with a presentation of their career, goals, and research. AAI presidents are among the most outstanding immunologists worldwide and this session is attended by the largest audience of the meeting.
Qualifies as a Premier Sustaining Sponsor
Available: 1 @ $10,000
AAI President’s
The AAI president chairs a symposium on a topic of their choosing. This symposium features four prominent immunologists presenting their cutting-edge research.
Qualifies as a Premier Sustaining Sponsor
Available: 1 @ $10,000
Each full day the scientific program ends with a plenary lecture by a scientist who has been selected based on their outstanding and innovative research. The three AAI members honored with these lectures are among the most talented and renowned immunologists of today.
Qualifies as a Premier Contributing Sponsor
Available: 3 @ $5,000 each
Eight major symposia are featured throughout the meeting: two each morning concurrently. These sessions present today’s most innovative science in the field. Five to six scientists are featured in each session.
Qualifies as a Premier Contributing Sponsor
Available: 8 @ $5,000 each
Block Symposia
Block symposia are short “podium” presentations of the best research described in abstracts and submitted to specialized topic categories. These short talks are selected by expert scientist reviewers and are certainly among the most sought-after opportunity of the meeting. Presenters range from senior scientists to trainees presenting at a large meeting for the first time. Each session has five to eight presentations.
Qualifies as a Premier Contributing Sponsor
Available: approx 50 @ $3,000 each
Career Development
AAI provides important career development programs to scientists at its annual meeting. IMMUNOLOGY2022™ will be hosting the following popular events. Sponsor pricing varies with the size of the event and the nature of food and beverage served. These programs support early career scientists and the PIs of tomorrow.
Careers in Biotech: Panel Discussion and Networking Reception
Many opportunities exist in biotechnology for scientists with advanced degrees. There are positions in laboratory research, program management, business development, regulatory affairs, clinical trials oversight, medical liaison, and more. This panel features scientists employed in industry discussing their career paths and the skills required for success. A networking reception immediately follows the panel discussion.
Qualifies as a Premier Contributing Sponsor
Available: 1 @ $5,000
AAI Careers in Science: Lecture and Roundtables
The Careers in Science Lecture and Roundtables, which is organized by the AAI Education Committee and Committee on the Status of Women, strives to educate and inspire emerging scientists. This popular event attracts more than 200 attendees. The audience includes graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, academic investigators, and industry immunologists who gather to discuss specific career issues and options in academia, industry, government, or nonprofit organizations over lunch.
Qualifies as a Premier Contributing Sponsor
Available: 1 @ $5,000
MAC-Sponsored Careers and Networking Session
In this popular session organized by the AAI Minority Affairs Committee (MAC), experienced professionals lead discussions over lunch on science career options, issues, and challenges in academia, industry, government, and nonprofit organizations including issues of diversity and equality. Through a structured networking exercise (“Speed Networking”), attendees learn to communicate their scientific interests and objectives effectively and efficiently.
Qualifies as a Premier Contributing Sponsor
Available: 1 @ $5,000
Chalking Up Success: Preparing Your Faculty Job Application and Chalk Talk
This session will focus on strategies to help trainees and early career scientists successfully navigate the faculty application process. Attendees will hear how to develop teaching and research statements, tailor their applications to positions, and prepare for an interview and “chalk” talk. Dr. Bethany Moore, Chair, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Michigan, will address the process. She will be followed by a panel of early-career faculty who will present their recent application experiences, give advice for success and engage the audience discussion.
This session is open to anyone but is especially intended for trainees and early-career scientists interested in faculty positions.
Available: 1 @ $2,000
How to Convert Your CV into a Resume
For anyone seeking a job outside of academia, how you present yourself on paper is critical. A well-prepared résumé can make all the difference in securing that interview. This session will focus on the important elements of a professional résumé, the differences between a résumé and the standard academic curriculum vitae (CV), and the information needed to make a good impression. Small breakout sessions for individual consulting will follow (by appointment).
Available: 1 @ $2,000
How to Have a Successful Postdoctoral Experience
A postdoctoral fellowship is the time to develop research skills needed to succeed as an independent scientist. It is, however, just as important develop skills outside of the lab to prepare for a new career path. This session will highlight ways of getting the most out of your postdoctoral fellowship, relating successfully with your mentor, and understanding how to use the resources available to you to ensure that your training prepares you adequately for a seamless transition into the next phase of your career.
Available: 1 @ $2,000
Immunology Teaching Interest Group
Are you looking for new ideas or strategies to enliven and improve your teaching? If so, please join us for this special interest group that will focus on strategies instructors can use to convey immunology concepts to students at the undergraduate and graduate level. The session will explore the use of test-based learning, animated visual models, active learning strategies, and more, through talks and structured breakout discussion groups.
Current educators, new faculty, and trainees with an interest in teaching are welcome.
Available: 1 @ $2,000
Interviewing for a Job
Interviewing for a job can be a terrifying experience! This session will focus on tips and techniques to help job seekers navigate the interview process successfully. Emphasis will be on how job candidates can present themselves in the best possible light starting with the first handshake. Attendees will also hear how to respond to unexpected questions.
This session is open to anyone but is especially intended for student and postdoctoral attendees.
Available: 1 @ $2,000
Travel Support
AAI provides much-needed travel grant support for hundreds of early career faculty and trainees who might not otherwise be able to attend the meeting.
AAI Early Career Faculty Travel Grant
These grants assist promising young investigators with travel support to IMMUNOLOGY2022™. Testimonials from past recipients confirm that this support makes a huge difference in their career development.
AAI Laboratory Travel Grants
These grants provide travel support to mid-career investigators for attending the AAI annual meeting. The grants are awarded to scientists who have limited travel funds and are the first or last authors on one or more abstracts submitted to the meeting. Each grant will provide two travel awards of up to $1,250 each: one to the PI or laboratory director, and another for a member of their lab.
AAI Minority Science Travel Awards
AAI is dedicated to enhancing the diversity of its membership and providing an inclusive meeting experience. To that end, these awards provide travel support to eligible underrepresented minority (URM) scientists, including trainees and early-career faculty members. Recipients will be reimbursed up to $1,250 for expenses associated with attending the AAI annual meeting.
AAI Trainee Abstract Awards
AAI Trainee members, whose first-author abstracts are selected for a presentation in an AAI Block Symposium, are eligible for these awards. Over 300 abstract awards are given to our most talented developing investigators.
*Based on the number of consecutive years of AAI membership
AAI Trainee Poster Awards
These awards provide $300 in travel reimbursement to AAI Trainee members whose first-author abstracts are selected exclusively for poster presentation and deemed to be exceptional. Selection is based on the originality and significance of the research presented. Up to 100 poster awards are given to talented Trainee members.
AAI Undergraduate Faculty Travel Grants
These grants assist undergraduate faculty attending IMMUNOLOGY2022™. The grants also support travel costs for an undergraduate student of the recipient’s selection.
Exhibit Hall Learning
Exhibitor Workshops
These popular workshops showcasing products, services, and research of exhibiting companies take place in two rooms in the Exhibit Hall. With theater-style seating for up to 80 attendees, each room provides the perfect setting for in-depth presentations and discussion. Workshops will not conflict with daily dedicated poster sessions held on the Exhibit Floor daily. Presentation titles, speakers, and descriptions must be provided by the date requested. Note: The room is available for one hour, which includes set-up, a 45-minute presentation, and tear-down. The room includes AV equipment (screen, PC laptop, LCD, sound system, microphone, podium, and laser pointer) and technical help as needed.
24 workshop time slots available; maximum of two per exhibitor
Social Events
New Member Reception
Support the warm and gracious welcome extended to new AAI member scientists as they engage in conversation and enjoy light refreshments with senior members and AAI leadership. Over 900 regular and postdoctoral fellows join AAI each year and AAI is honored by their membership! (approximately 100–150 attendees).
Qualifies as a Premier Contributing Sponsor
Available: 1 @ $3,500
Welcome Back! Reception OR Gala Drink Tickets
After a long day (or week!) of science, all attendees appreciate relaxing with a drink of their choice. Purchase tickets to show your presence and your branding (company logo) will be on each drink ticket. Tickets can be used by registered attendees at either the Welcome Back! Reception or the Gala.
$1,000/50 tickets
Welcome Back! Reception Food Trucks
Food trucks are synonymous with Portland and there’s no party like a Food Truck Party! This attendee-only event will prove that! Sponsor a festive, on-trend food truck with the best bites at this event. 10–20 food trucks offering different and delicious foods in a wide variety of tastes and dietary preferences. Signage at “your” truck will recognize your sponsorship. Exhibitors are not usually invited to attend this event but sponsors can have 2 staff stationed to serve as hosts of their sponsored truck. (Food Truck options will be available closer to the meeting and will be offered on a “first- come” basis as we receive payment of sponsorship.)
Qualifies as a Premier Sustaining Sponsor
Available: 10–20 @ $10,000/truck
President’s Service Appreciation Reception
The incredibly generous members of AAI volunteer innumerable hours of service and expertise to their colleagues and to the field. AAI says “thank you” to committee members, editors, abstract chairs, and many more volunteers with this lovely reception. Join AAI in saying “Thank you” to these generous scientists by sponsoring this invitation-only event. The sponsor of this event can invite up to 20 staff members.
Qualifies as a Premier Silver Sponsor
Available: 1 @ $30,000
Each year at this premier social event, attendees celebrate, relax, reconnect with friends, network, and party. This year, attendees will have an entire museum filled with beautiful art to enjoy. The Portland Art Museum features an array of priceless art and, uniquely, also honors the Indigenous-communities—past, present, and future—of the region on whose ancestral lands it stands. Separate ballrooms will be available to enjoy drinks and food, or to dance the night away to a live band. (Approximately 1,200 attendees)
Qualifies as a Premier Platinum Sponsor
Available: 1 @ $150,000
The AAI MAC Social Hour
The MAC (Minority Affairs Committee) offers programs that support diversity and inclusion among members and meeting attendees. One of the most important and meaningful aspects of the annual meeting is connection! The MAC Social Hour is an evening gathering during which participants in the MAC-sponsored Careers and Networking session re-convene for relaxed, informal networking at a near-by establishment in Portland. This event brings attendees together to make career-changing connections (and new friends) with peers, mentors, and senior scientists. Soft drinks and hors d’eouvres will be served. (125–175 attendees).
Qualifies as a Premier Supporting Sponsor
Available: 1 @ $6,000
Attendee Resources
Badge Holders
Conference-themed badge holders are distributed to all attendees to hold their name badges. Showcase your company’s logo on each attendee badge holder for maximum exposure. Sponsor to provide a logo (approved by AAI) and AAI will order and produce the item. Logo due to AAI by March 1, 2022.
Qualifies as a Premier Sustaining Sponsor
Available: 3,000 pcs @ $12,500
Hotel Key Cards
This exclusive sponsorship provides you with coverage at six (6) heavily used hotels by attendees at IMMUNOLOGY2022™. Sponsor to provide a logo and graphics (approved by AAI) and AAI will order, produce, and distrubute the item to hotels.
Logo due to AAI by March 1, 2022.
Qualifies as a Premier Sustaining Sponsor
Available: 3,000 pcs @ $12,000
Generate visibility as attendees travel throughout the meeting wearing their lanyard with your company’s name and logo. Sponsor arranges for production and delivery of AAI-approved lanyards.
Qualifies as a Premier Supporting Sponsor
Available: 3,000 pcs @ $6,500
Meeting Bags
See attendees carrying your logo throughout the meeting and beyond. AAI will arrange for production and delivery of bags. Exclusive sponsorship available with just your logo. Price includes one-color logo. (Bags not distributed will be returned to the sponsor.)
Qualifies as a Premier Sustaining Sponsor
Available: 1 @ $10,000
Water Bottle
Got water? What could be more appreciated today? This sponsor- ship guarantees continuous visibility throughout the meeting and beyond when your logo is imprinted on environmentally-friendly, BPA-free water bottles. A sponsor-branded bottle will be provided to each attendee. With 17 hydration stations throughout the Oregon Convention Center, this item will be a well-used commodity. Sponsor to provide a logo (approved by AAI) and AAI will order and produce the item. Logo due to AAI by March 1, 2022.
Qualifies as a Premier Sustaining Sponsor
Available: 3,000 pcs @ $10,000
Touchless Key
Support a safe environment at IMMUNOLOGY2022™ by sponsoring the touchless key. Your company logo will be printed on the key, which can be used to press buttons or keypads, and open or close doors. Key attaches to a key ring. Attendees are sure to use this essential item after IMMUNOLOGY2022™, is long over thereby extending your brand exposure! Sponsor to provide a logo (approved by AAI) and AAI will order and produce the item.
Logo due to AAI by March 1, 2022.
Qualifies as a Premier Supporting Sponsor
Available: 3,000 pcs @ $7,500
Pre- and Post-Show Marketing and Branding Options
Registration Emails
Your hyperlinked logo will be placed on the registration landing page for all attendees to see as they register for IMMUNOLOGY2022™. Additionally, your logo will be included in all registration confirmation emails each attendee receives.
Qualifies as a Premier Contributing Sponsor
Available: 2 @ $5,000 each
Abstract Invitation Email
Your logo will be seen by all abstract submitters prior to the meeting (average 1,650 submitters)! Once an attendee’s abstract is accepted, they will receive an email invitation, with your company logo hyperlinked to your company’s website.
Qualifies as a Premier Contributing Sponsor
Available: 1 @ $5,000
Pre-Event Mail List*
Let attendees know how your products and services will advance their research! Let them know why they need to visit your booth and meet with you. Create an eye-catching post card or poster. The list will be provided electronically prior to the meeting, with physical mailing addresses only (no phone, fax, or email), and is for one-time use only.
Post-Event Mail List*
Reinforce your message with a post-event mailing. The list will be provided electronically after the meeting, with physical mailing ad- dresses only (no phone, fax, or email), and is for one-time use only.
24 workshop time slots available; maximum of two per exhibitor
*AAI policy prohibits provision of email addresses to third parties. Mailing lists exclude residents of the European Union (EU) pursuant to the EU General Data Protection Regulation.
Booth Drivers
AAI offers great options for booth drivers. Contact AAI Exhibits and Sponsorship Manager to inquire about which option fits your company’s needs.
Mobile App
Increase your visibility and enhance your company image before, during, and after the meeting. Meeting attendees use the mobile app to access daily schedules, networking and social event information, maps, and exhibitor information. Sponsor will have a secondary splash page plus a clickable rotating banner ad with secondary landing page. Mobile App goes live on April 6 (30 days prior to the start of the meeting).
Qualifies for Premier Sustaining Sponsor
Available: 1 @ $10,000
Mobile App Rotating Banner Ad
Rotating banner ad sponsors receive a clickable rotating banner ad with secondary landing page.
Available: 6 @ $1,200
Exhibitor Coffee Break
Attendees love nothing more than coffee! The Exhibitor Coffee Break is designed to facilitate networking opportunities for attendees and exhibitors during show hours. Host a coffee and pastry cart in your booth on Saturday, Sunday, and/or Monday, and watch as attendees congregate. Each cart will be stocked to serve 50 attendees. Please contact the AAI Exhibits and Sponsorship Manager to arrange times. A listing of times for any sponsored Coffee Hour will be posted daily.
Meeting Bag Inserts
Place your promotional material or item directly into all attendees’ hands for long-term residual exposure. Sponsor arranges the purchase, production, and delivery of at least 3,000 items. Limitations on size apply, and items must be submitted to AAI for approval by March 15, 2022. Examples of acceptable inserts are promotional brochures, postcards, and other printed materials (no catalogs or publications), and items such as pens, USB flash drives, luggage tags, etc.
Qualifies as a Premier Contributing Sponsor
Available: 8 @ $3,500 each
Passport to Prizes
A Meeting Passport is provided to each attendee at Registration. The Passport will feature your booth on the Exhibit Hall floor plan map. Attendees will come to your booth to engage and get their Passport “stamped” as proof they visited your booth. Attendees enter their completed Passports in the drawing for a chance to win a $250 American Express gift card. The drawing will take place during the Poster Presentation Hour on Monday. Exhibitors with smaller booths will be given priority.
Available: 20 @ $1,000 each
Banners, Signs, Escalator Clings,
and other Branding
The Oregon Convention Center offers sponsors great options for branding in high-traffic areas. Sizes, types, and locations vary. Contact AAI Exhibits and Sponsorship Manager to inquire about which branding options fit your company’s needs and budget.
IMMUNOLOGY2022™ Advertising Opportunities
AAI Premier Sponsorship
Support amounting to $3,000 or more in Exhibit Hall Upgrades and/or Scientific Program Sponsorships, Career Development Networking Events, or Travel Support qualifies an exhibitor/sponsor for the many benefits associated with AAI Premier Sponsorship. See the table below to review the benefits of Premier Sponsor levels. Contact the AAI Exhibits Manager for details.

* Benefits cannot be traded for other opportunities; if not used, unused benefits are forfeited.
** AAI policy prohibits provision of email addresses to third parties. Mailing lists exclude residents of the European Union (EU) pursuant to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). AAI does not provide email addresses of attendees to third parties.
*** One additional complimentary scientific registration earned per $25,000 increment in sponsor support beyond the $75,000 threshold for Platinum Sponsorship.